Monday, September 21, 2009

Robots Rule

Unless you are a Movie Genius, you may need the help of an android for this quiz. Name the move based on the robot or android and the year the film appeared (since some robots keep coming back… Yeah, I’m looking at you, Arnold.)

1) Maria (1927)

2) Gort (1951)

3) Robby (1956)

4) Torg (1964)

5) Machani-Kong (1967)

6) Duey (1972)

7) C-3PO (1977)

8) Ash (1979)

9) Pris (1982)

10) T-800 (1984)

11) Tik-Tok (1985)

12) Johnny Five (1986)

13) Dot Matrix (1987)

14) Evil Ted (1991)

15) Data (1994)

16) Gypsy (1996)

17) Cappy (2005)

18) Marvin (2005)

19) Bumblebee (2007)

20) EVE (2008)

(Bonus Question: In what 1973 comedy did a comedian imitate a robot of the future?)

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